UKRI Strategy 2022-2027

URIUK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) five-year (2022-2027) strategy sets out long-term, high-level priorities for how an outstanding research and innovation system will be delivered in the UK. It highlights UKRI’s key role in delivering the government’s ambitions for the UK as a global leader in research and innovation.

Cross-disciplinary fellowships (XDF)

The Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships Programme at the University of Edinburgh is led from the Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC) in partnership with the School of Informatics (SoI). It is a post-doctoral level programme for physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, chemists, engineers and similar, seeking training to perform research integrating knowledge and methods from different disciplines, and to become leaders in Quantitative Biomedicine.


Oxford Biomedical Data Science Training Program (OBDS)

The Oxford Biomedical Data Science Training Programme delivers training in the skills and methods required for the analysis and interpretation of large-scale biomedical datasets, particularly genomic and functional genomic data. This unique training programme consists of four weeks of lectures and tutorials, building basic data science skills in Linux and R, with an emphasis of single-cell genomics. To date the programme has trained over 100 biomedical researchers, who have benefited from the course in different ways.

What is X-Net all about?

FAQThe X-Net initiative aims to promote cross-disciplinary research, encourage communication and strengthen cooperation among biomedical researchers from academia and industry, removing the barriers related to it. X-Net can help you to make the most of your cross-disciplinary research by maximizing the opportunities and minimizing the risks.

Overcoming Barriers to Cross-Disciplinary Research

Wednesday 06 July 2022 - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Online
This workshop sought to provide an opportunity for participants to determine and define some of the personal and common barriers for cross-disciplinary research.​ To share experiences through discussion with peers and to start to consider specific actions to overcome personal barriers through action learning.
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