
Paul Davies
Paul trained in medicine and biophysics and has a strong interest in interdisciplinary science and the impact this can have on solving major scientific problems.

Matthew Elliott

Charlie George

Ava Khamseh
Ava is a Lecturer in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence, joint between the School of Informatics and Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC). Before taking up her current position, she was a Cross-Disciplinary Fellow (XDF) at IGC, and before that, she obtained her PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics. She hopes to help others from similar backgrounds and share (one version!) of the experience, positive and negative, in making the transition into biomedicine.

Cristina Martin
As the X-Net project manager, Cristina’s main interest is helping scientists to cross the boundaries of disciplines, creating a more efficient new way of working in Biomedicine.

Ralitsa Masden
Ralitsa is a dedicated champion for conducting research with integrity, promoting transparent dissemination of all findings without any unnecessary delays, and fostering a culture of care and respect towards others. She actively contributes to the UK Committee on Research Integrity (UK CORI) and extends her support to various charitable organizations.

Chris Ponting
Chris’s career journey was haphazard, starting in particle physics and ending up in human genetics. He hopes X-Net clears some of the obstacles, misunderstandings and preconceptions that he experienced crossing disciplines.

David Sims

Duncan Sproul
Duncan started as a geneticist who was frustrated by the fact he wasn’t allowed to combine physics and biology for his undergraduate degree and hopes that through X-Net he can help others avoid some of the same problems.